31 May 2009

Global Warming part 1

What is Greenhouse Gasses ?

Greenhouse gasses atau dalam bahasa Indonesianya adalah gas rumahkaca bisa diartikan sebagai gas-gas yang dapat menyebabkan efek rumah kaca. Tapi apakah sebenarnya gas rumah kaca tersebut ? dan gas apa sajakah yeng termasuk gas rumah kaca ?

Gas rumah kaca sering kita hasilkan sehari hari. Misalnya pada saat kamu memasak air ataupun bernafas, Itu semua adalah aktifitas yang menghasilkan gas rumah kaca lho ! Tapi gas apa yang dikeluarkan saat kita melakukan aktifitas itu ? Yang kita keluarkan saat melakukan aktifitas memasak air adalah uap air, sedangkan saat kita melakukan aktifitas bernafas adalah karbon dioksida dan sedikit uap air. Pasti kamu bertanya kenapa uap air termasuk ke dalam gas rumah kaca ? Ya memang, itu karena uap air dapat memperangkap panas dari matahari agar tidak keluar dari permukaan bumi. Nah gas-gas yang ada di atmosfir yang dapat mengurung panas matahari agar tetap berada di dalam atmosfir disebut dengan gas rumah kaca. Jika tidak ada gas rumah kaca ini maka bumi kita ini akan menjadi saaangaaat dingin, sampai bisa turun sampai dengan 33 derajat celcius, Wow ! How cool ! No living things that can survive at that condition. Nah, gas-gas apa sajakah yang termasuk gas rumah kaca ? Selain uap air dan karbon dioksida terdapat gas rumahkaca utama yang lainnya, yaitu methana, nitro oxida, dan senyawa berfluorin semisal HFC (Hydrofluorocarbon), CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), ataupun HCFC (HydroChlorofluorocarbon). Gas-gas tersebut jika dalam porsi yang sesuai (tidak banyak tidak sedikit) maka akan sangat membantu sekali dalam menghangatkan bumi. But ! The problem is gas gas tersebut sekarang mulai bertambah jumlahnya di atmosfir. Itu dikarnakan banyak hal. Yaitu karena munculnya revolusi industri yang banyak mengeluarkan gas karbon dioksida, methane, ataupun senyawa berfluorin. Bukan Cuma revolusi industri yang menyebabkan itu semua, tapi juga penebangan pohon sembarangan (deforestasi / deforestation) yang membuat pohon-pohon dipermukan bumi berkurang, dan ini mengakbatkan karbon dioksida yang dikeluarkan manusia dan hewan dalam proses pernafasan, ataupun dari pembakaran-pembakaran material yang mengandung karbon seperti batu bara, minyak bumi, kayu, ataupun olahannya, tidak bisa diurai menjadi oksigen.Imagine if there’s no oxygen remain on the earth ? Can you still survive ? Kalau gas gas tersebut bertambah, maka akan meningkat juga suhu di bumi, nah inilah yang akan menyebabkan pemanasan global (global warming). Tapi kalau bertambahnya karbon dioksida masih mending jika gas methane, nitro oxida, ataupun senyawa berfluorin yang meningkat jumlahnya. Kenapa ? Karena methane dapat mengurung panas dengan effisiensi 20 kali lebih baik daripada karbon dioksida. Gas methana berasal dari pengolahan dan transportasi batu bara , juga bisa berasal dari kotoran hewan-hewan tertentu seperti sapi dan kerbau sebagai hasil proses pencernaan yang tidak diolah lebih lanjut.Sedangkan gas nitro oxida dapat menjebak panas dengan effisiensi 300 kali lebih baik ketimbang Karbon dioksida...wow banyak banget ya ?! Gas ini banyak berasal dari pembakaran bahan bakar fosil dan juga dari pembajakan tanah pertanian. Jadi gas ini kita keluarkan setiap harinya sebagai hasil dari pembakaran bensin kendaraan bermotor kita. Bayangkan betapa banyaknya gas ini dikeluarkan oleh kita manusia dari seluruh dunia. Makanya mulai sekarang usahakan donk mengurangi pemakaian kendaraan bermotor. Selain meyebabkan pemanasan global juga menyebabkan polusi yang dapat memicu kanker dan juga gangguan pernafasan. Nah, selain gas nitro dioksida, ada juga senyawa-senyawa gas berfluorin, seperti CFC, HFC, ataupun HCFC.. Kita sering mendengar dan melihat kata CFC, misalkan aja pada stiicker di kulkas kita yang bertuliskan ”Non CFC”. Tapi apa sih kegunaan gas CFC itu ? Gas CFC atau ChroloFluoroCarbon banyak digunakan sebagai pendingin kulkas-kulkas tertentu, yang kebanyakan diproduksi di negara-negara berkembang. N did you know ? Setiap molekul dari senyawa ini mempunyai effisiensi memperangkap panas beberapa ribu lebih baik daripada karbon dioksida. Gas ini sebenarnya aman-aman aja berada di atmosfir, BUT...cahaya inframerah yang berasal dari matahari dapat menghancurkan gas ini menjadi Chlorin / Klorin. Yang mana klorin dapat merusak lapisan ozon di atmosfir yang mana ozon merupakan elemen penting yang harus ada di atmosfir, karena ozon dapat menghalau dan menyaring cahaya matahari dari sinar ultraviolet dan inframerah, sehingga cuma menyisakan panas yang nantinya akan diteruskan ke bumi. Sehingga kalau ozon tidak ada maka sinar ultraviolet dan inframerah dapat langsung menyentuh permukaan bumi n kulitmu...yang mana sinar ultraviolet dapat menyebabkan kanker dan kerusakan lain pada hewan dan tumbuhan. Sebenarnya selain gas-gas di atas masih banyak lagi gas-gas yang menyebabkan pemanasan global, BUT I can’t tell all of them to you, but u can find it on internet or encyclopedia.

Originally Created and Published by :
Jaya_Яя saputra

06 April 2009

Konjugasi Bahasa Russia

-ю (yu) ==> untuk verb (kata kerja) yang subjeknya orang pertama tunggal (saya)
-eте (ete) ==> untuk verb yang subjeknya orang kedua tunggal (anda)
-eшь (esh’) ==> untuk verb yang subjeknya orang kedua tunggal (kamu)
-eт (et) ==> untuk verb yang subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (dia (lk/pr/benda) )
-m (m) ==> untuk verb yang subjeknya orang pertama jamak (kami)
-ют (yut) ==> untuk verb yang subjeknya orang ketiga jamak (mereka)

Contoh :
Kita gunaka kata kerja Знать (Znat’) = tahu
Я знаю (+) ==> Ya znayu = Saya tahu
Вы знаeте (+) ==> Vy znaete = Kamu tahu (formal)
Ты знаeшь (+) ==> Ty znaesh’ = Kamu tahu (non-formal)
Он,Она,Оно знаeт (+) ==> On, ona, ono znaet = dia tahu
Мы знаem (+) ==> My znaem = Kami tahu
Они знают (+) ==> Oni znayut = Mereka tahu
Я нe знаю (-) ==> Ya nye znayu = Saya tidak tahu
Вы нe знаeте (?) ==> Vy znaete ? = Anda tahu ?

Created and Published by Jaya(ЯЯ) works informedu

Let’s Take a Russian Lesson

Kata Ganti Orang

Я (ya) \ya\                      = saya (I)
Ты (Ty) \ti\                     = kamu (non-formal)
Вы (Vy) \vi\                   = anda (formal)
Он (On) \on\                   = Dia (lk)
Онa (Ona) \ona\              = dia (pr)
Оно (Ono) \ono\              = dia(benda/unisex); itu
Мы (My) \mi\                 = kami
Они (Ony) \oni\               = mereka (they)
Меня (Menya) \min-ya\   = saya (me)
Тебя (Tebya) \tye-ba\     = kamu
Его (Yego) \Yeva\         = Dia (lk)
Её (Yeio) \yeyo\            = Dia (pr) < her>
Их (Ikh) \ikh\                = Mereka (them)
Created and Published by Jaya(ЯЯ) works informedu

05 April 2009

Let’s learn Russian

Kalimat Percakapan Sederhana Bahasa Rusia

Спасиба (Spasiba) \spa-si-ba\ = terima kasih
Пожалуйста (Pozhaluista) \pa-zhal-sta\ = silakan / sama-sama
Да (Da) \da\ = Ya
Нет (Nyet) \nyet\ = tidak
Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuitye) \Zdra-stvuy-tye\ = halo (formal)
Привет (privyet) \pri-vyet\ = Hai (non-formal)
Как вас зовут (Kak vas zovut) \kak vas za-vut\ = Nama anda siapa ?
Меня зовут…(Menya zovut) \Min-ya za-vut\ = Nama saya.....
Очень Приятно (Ochyen Priyatno) \Och-en pree-yat-na\ = Senang bertemu denganmu
Как дела ? (Kak dyela) \kak dela\ = Apa kabar ?
Хорошо спасиба (Khorosho spasiba) \Khorosha spasiba\ = Baik, terima kasih
Плохо (Plokho) \plokho\ = buruk
До свидания (Do svidaniya) \da svi-da-ni-ya\ = Selamat tinggal (formal)
Пока (Poka) \pa-ka\ = dadah (non-formal)

Created and Published by Jaya(Яя) Works Informedu

25 March 2009

Spongebob ? Think twice for this cartoon....

        Do you know about Spongebob Squarepants ? It has a yellow square body, He always put a smile in his face. He lives in Bikini Bottom. But, do you know what's the story of the Spongebob Squarepants cartoon exactly.If you think this is a child cartoon, you're wrong, coz this is a teen cartoon. It because there're some jokes that child can't understands. This cartoon is very very funny, if you watching it from start 'till finish you'll be never forget it...Very funny. The story actually is just about his daily lifes, but with some "too much" actions. Like no other, Spongebob squarepants cartoon is completed by some jokes, that's it why Spongebob Squarepants cartoon is very funny. More than anything else, Patrick is the one of my favorite character, He's so so so dumb than whoever. Sometimes, I hate with him, because of his dumb, but sometimes I has laughter, bacause of his dumb too. They're the best friend ever. But there's someone hate'em, that is Squidward Tentacles. He always feel disturbed with'em. he likes playing clarinet so much, although everytime he blows the clarinet, the clarinet releases some animal voice dying.....He has an enemy, that is Squilliam. He has everything that Squidward never have, like a luxurious house, a villa, or just hair. Squidward and Spongebob working in Krusty Krab. Squidward workin' as a cashier and Spongebob workin' as a cook. Squidward's never likes with his job, different than Spongebob that his job now is his life, He wont discharge his job whatever that happened. Krusty Krab serve the most delicious food, that is Krabby Patty...But you can't make this at your home, coz this food has been patented...ha..ha...ha.... Mr. Eugene Crab or Mr. Crab is the owner of the Krusty Krab, is a tight-fisted crab. He'll never let it go his money, although it only one penny. So never try to near by to his cashier machine, if u don't want have a problem with him. Mr. Crab have an enemy, that is Plankton. Although he's a tiny man, but he has been passed from the university, he said. One character left, it is Sandy Cheeks. She is a female squirrel but you'll never think like that if you first time see her, except the pink flower on his helmet. And once more, never affront Texas, if you don't want to have a serious problem, because she's from Texas.....

Created and Published by M. Jaya Saputra ( Яя)
the admin of sudi-singgah.blogspot.com

24 March 2009

The Book of The Day

Book of the day kali ini adalah
Misteri Yang Tersembunyi
 Penerbit : Lucky Publisher
Harga     : Rp. 18,800 
This book is so great ! Buku ini mempunyai byk versi ada versi 'Di balik dinding waktu',  Nasib Yang Tidak Biasa di Dunia', 'Monster dan lain-lain', dan lain-lain. Buku ini menceritakan misteri-misteri dari seluruh penjuru dunia yang belum terpecahkan. It's a mysterious book ! Dengan harga yang sangat murah tapi dengan isi yang meriah...It's a cheap book with great story.....! Tersedia di Toko Buku Kharisma.       
note : it's not an advertisement, it just book reference
Created and Published by Jaya ( Яя).
admin of sudi-singgah.blogspot.com  

23 March 2009

My Task to be Pray leader

Tadi pagi aq menjadi pembaca do'a at the flag ceremony this morning. Fhuuhhh,..... I was so nervous at the moment.. seolah-olah I can't breath freely... Almost, aq mau ngundurin diri aja pas mau bertugas..But Alhamdulillah Thanks to God I can did my task successfuly. The perfection is just God's, never be mine, so Aq ngelakuin a little bit kesalahan, yaitu jalanku yang agak kacau pas mau jalan. Sepertinya kakiku terikat oleh tali yang saaaaangat kencang, jadi susah bgt mau jalan. Maybe it just 'Stage fever'. Fhuuhhh.....Syukurlah It has been past.

18 March 2009

It’s my lucky day

Yipee….Hari ini ku senang sekali, coz hari ini guru-guru sedang sibuk dengan urusan masing masing yang harus dituntaskan. Padahal hari ini aku harusnya belajar B. Inggris, Matematika, Sejarah, n Ips GeoSos. But, sometime the fact is unmatched with what have planned, dari sekian banyak mata pelajaran, semuanya kosong….Horraay, but actually I likes English & Geography subject matter…….But, di balik itu aq bisa main n chattin' with my frenz….not only dat, aq juga bisa main internet di lab computer yang juga kosong, tapi sayank aq bisa main internet Cuma beberapa jam, ya…. Sekitar 3 jam aja sih, tapi itu kan cukup lama dibanding hari lain, aq Cuma bisa bermain internet di sekolah paling lama ya… sekitar 1 jam aja. Kenapa banyak mata pelajaran yang kosong ? kerena hari ini guru matematika ku lagi ada studi (maybe…. I don’t know exactly)di Yogyakarta kalo gak salah…..trus guru IPS juga lagi pergi n aq juga kurang tahu kemana, tapi mungkin beliau ada urusan yang sangat mendesak, karena terlihat buru-buru,n just like with my English teacher. Tapi gak semua kelas kosong, banyak kelas yang terisi, karena gak seluruh guru gak ada. Mungkin Cuma sebagian guru-guru yang ngajar di bilingual aja (maybe yes maybe no). Tapia q gak nganggur gitu aj, tapi aq juga ngerjain tugas Ips yang diberikan guru IPS q sebelum pergi, so nothing day without do a thing….. God ! I have to go now,coz I must……eat :-D hehehehe. Eh don’t think that is unimportant thing, coz eat is the way to still alive, right ? emmhh..acually beside that, I gotta prepare my books for tomorrow, do some exercises, and have prayer (it’s an important thing u have to do, coz this can improve knowledge that you have learn at the school). Okay then, BYE………..See you next..!

I’m sorry if there’s any wrong word in this article.
Created and Published by Jaya(Яя) Works InformEdu

17 March 2009

The World’s Greatest Wonder ?

The World’s greatest wonder ? many perception about it. One people say China Great Wall, in China, Another people says Eiffel Tower in Paris, Pyramids in Egypt, Hanging Garden in Babylon, Temple of Angkor Vat, Taj Mahal, Kabba, or Temple of Borobudur. But, I think The greatest wonder is considered to a person’s think. But based on you, Which building that proper to be the Greatest wonder in the world ? Can you choose’em ? Okay in this article I’ll describe you several Human-Created Wonders in the entire world. After u read’em all, please choose one of them to be The World’s Greatest Wonder in the polling in my this blog. OKAY ?!

1. Hanging Garden in Babylon

This building is located In Babylon, Iraq. This building built in 600 BC by Nebuchadnezzar II, the Chaldean king as consolation to his Median wife who missed the natural surroundings of her homeland. Technically this garden did not hang, but it just the plants grew on the roof and the terrace of the royal palace in Babylon.

2. Pyramids in Egypt

Pyramids is located in Giza (Arabic:Al-Jizah). It built in 3rd millennium BC by Pharaoh as his tomb. It has about 136 m (446 ft) high. The are many legends and myths about this building, such as the curse of the mummy and it’s treasures.

3. The temple of Angkor Vat / Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Angkor Wat is situated in Hindu temple complex at Angkor, the capital of the Khmer Empire of Cambodia from the early 9th century to the mid-15th century. The emperor of Khmer Empire, Suryavarman II built this temple in 12th century as his celebration of his status as an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. Although, this temple built by adopted some Hindu’s aspects, but now this temple become Buddhist pilgrims.

4. The Eiffel Tower in Paris

Who don’t know about this building ? Everyone in this world must be know about this building. The word Eiffel came from the name of the designer and builder of this building ,that is Alexandre - Gustave Eiffel. He built this building in 1889 for the Paris World’s Fair. It has 300m (984ft) high (without modern broadcasting antenna).

5. Temple of Borobudur in Java Island, Indonesia

Maybe most of you unrecognize about this one, but it’s has many excess from another temple in the world. From its size, this one is extremely huge, stretch along 4.8 km (about 3 mi) and constructed on hill 46 m (150 ft) high. This temple constructed in 9th century under the Sailendra dynasty. This Hindu-Buddhist temple is situated in Magelang, Java Island, Indonesia. This temple Consist of eight steplike stone terraces and influenced by the Gupta architecture in India and temples at Angkor, in Cambodia.

6. Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Kaaba is the Muslim’s most sacred building. Based on the Islam teaching, this building built by Abraham and Ishmael using the foundation first laid by Adam (Abraham, Ishmael & Adam are Prophet believed by Christian, Islam, & Jewish). This building built in period 2000 – 1500 BC. Kabba become kiblat (the face when praying for Muslims). Surrounded by Al- Haram Mosque, this building become a holiest shrine of Muslim. Each annual this building always crowded by many people from the entire world to pilgrimage, it means this building become meeting spot of Muslim around the world.

7. Great wall of China

Great wall of China is located in Northern China. According to conservative estimates it stretches along 2,400 km (1,200 mi) and Other estimates cite 6,400 km (4000mi) or even more ! WOW ! Can you imagine that you must walk along this wall from one tip to another? How tired you will ! . This wall first built in 3rd millennium BC. Later, impressive stones and earthen fortifications built along a different Northern border in 15th and 16th century AD in the Ming Dynasty to protect China against invasions from north. Unfortunately, after time continued to elapse, the ancient structures had mostly disappeared now.

8. Taj Mahal, India

The Real Symbol of True Love. That word is very match with Taj Mahal. This building built by Shah Jahan, the emperor of Mughal in 17th century as a TOMB for his lovely wife, Mumtaz Mahal (Persian for Elect of Palace). Whow ! that’s so sweet… but sad…..! Because Shah Jahan very sad because of Mumtaz Mahal’s death in 1631. This building constructed by about 2,000 workers from 1632 – 1648. Taj Mahal surrounding by beautiful garden and decorated with extremely beautiful Arabic Calligraphy from sentences of Koran (Al-Qur’an)
OKAY ! That’s it…..thanks for reading, but after u’ve read, please vote which building is the most compatible to be THE WORLD’S GREATEST WONDER at my blog’s polling………….Thank you !

I am really sorry If there's any wrong word or information in this article.

Created and published by Jaya(Яя) works informedu
Mostly Pictures copied from Microsoft Encarta 2006. all rights reserved.

13 March 2009

A poetry from me to all people in the world

Silent Words

Silent never be ours
The broken land going to us
Steel heads and shinny sharp twigs
Powerful voices and strong sounds
All never take apart from us

The light closed by the white
The dark opened by the black

The rabbits go out from they burrow
Taking stand on the grass
Wind blows the mountain, fly to sky
The flowers never blossom anymore
Leave their scent
Leave their cries
Of the world

Is all about us
How to spend this time
Lite the fire
Hope The Mighty One help us

Created and Published by Jaya(Яя) works informedu.

The old problem was handled, the new one was coming

Fuhhhh :-o, finally I’ve just finished my try out. Before that I must workin’ hard to reach the highest mark as well as I can. But, I just the ordinary man that can’t solve the problem perfectly successful, so I only can got emmhhh yaaaa…. Only 7, but it’s okay, no problem for me, there’s still another chance, isn’t it ?.
BUUUUTTTTT, it just a start line to go to a new problem…fuhhh, and whalla, what do you expect from this short life ? happiness ? it can’t happen if u don’t do anything…so u must do what you can do now…it’s my wise word for ya..don’t forget it.
And…that’s it, I still have a UN (National Examination), and I don’t know how about my mark, there’re many possibility that can happen…Maybe low mark, Maybe medium, high, or even (who know) I get a highest mark…(that’s only might happen in my dream)…Okay that’s it…..

Created and Published by Jaya(Яя) works informedu.

My new try-out's mark

Hey, Alhamdulillah. Thank a lot to God.

do you remember about my story at the several days ago ?. I said that in my try out I got mark 6.35. and now i've just finished my new try out that held at March, 3rd '09 (if im not go wrong), and i got mark ....emhh........7.10 that's a little bit significant change,I think.But I'm very happy and say thank to God because of his give (for me it's a big give).....N i know you must be have a big laughter when i said I got mark 7.10 ...but it's okay if I got 7, because all of that is my hardwork not from cheatin.emmhhhh...okay only that i want to tell ya, thank 4 ur attention...good bye..

08 March 2009

Chatting Praktis and Gratis ?

Bagi kamu yang ingin chatting, tapi gak sempat untuk nongkrong di depan computer. It’s not a problem now ! sekarang kan ada chatting provider yang nyediain jasa chatting lewat HPmu. Jadi sekarang kamu bias nge-chatting dimana aja n kapan aja. Nama chatting provider ini adalah MIG33™ dan kamu bisa nge-download aplikasinya (untuk hp yang menyupport java™) di www.mig33.com (lewat komputer) n wap.mig33.com (lewat HP). Apalagi jasa chatting ini gratis tis tis tis. Tapi pertama-tama kamu harus sign up (registrasi) dulu, tapi tenang kalau km mau ngeregister, kamu gak harus mendaftar lewat web, melainkan lewat aplikasi MIG33 nya langsung. Untuk registrasi kamu gak perlu ngisi data yang ribet, Cuma nickname yang km inginkan, password, dan nomor telepon HP untuk mengkonfirmasi kode registrasi

Misal :

Username : xxx.www.zzz

Password : aaabbbccc

Phone No. : +628121234567 (no hpmu harus ganti angka 0 di awal no. Hp mu dengan kode telpo negaramu mis. Indonesia = +62)

Terus setelah itu login ke MIG33, masukan nick mu and passwordnya, n tunggu sebentar dan akan muncul konfirmasi untuk memasukan kode registrasi yang dikirimkan provider lewat sms ke no. hp kita. Lalu akan muncul announcement dan itu berarti kita sudah resmi menjadi member MIG33. Setelah itu kamu bisa chatting dengan 1 teman saja ataupun rame-rame yaitu dalam room. Kalau kamu ingin chatting perindividu kamu harus punya teman dulu, tapi kalau kamu mau ngecari teman pilihlah ke room. Klik tulisan chatroom yang ada paling atas pada layar hpmu lalu aplikasi nya akan mendownload chatroom list lalu akan muncul pilihan room yang ingin kita masuki. Di mig33 punya banyak chatroom, ada yang bertema regional, komunitas, maupun status atau jenis kelamin. Lalu setelah kamu masuk ke chatroom yang sudah kamu klik maka kamu akan negeliat member list yang ada di room. N kamu bisa ngechat deh dengan member MIG33 yang laen all over the world. Oh ya selain itu kamu juga bias ngeliat profil member – member yang lain. Di dalam profile kita bisa meliat photo, hobi, nama, umur, jenis klamin n tempat berada si “empu”nya profile. Pokoknya seru deh. Eh selain itu kamu jug bisa ngisi profil and upload photomu ke profile. Selain itu kamu juga bisa sharing photo dengan member yang lain. Wow, seru banget kan ! apalagi mig33 udah nyedian beberapa emoticon yang cute abis jadi kata-katamu bisa lebih hidup. N kalau kamu pingin emoticon yang lebih banyak n lebih cute, kamu bisa purchase (beli) dengan menggunakan creditmu (bkn kartu kredit bank). Kamu bisa ngeliat jumlah creditmu, klik aja option and cari pilihan credits. N disitu kamu akna ngeliat berapa creditmu (mis. IDR 10,000). Lewat credit ato yang sering disebut IDR oleh temen-temen kamu bisa beli emoticon, nge kick, n masih byk lagi. Oh iya kamu bisa beli / nambah jumah kredit dengan beli dari merchant yang ada di kotamu, bisa lewat email ato telepon, biasanya info ttg merchant ada di announcement saat kita login. Biasanya kamu setelah menelepon ato ngirim e-mail ke merchant maka dia akan member instruksi yang lebih lanjut lagi. Oh ya aq lupa di mig33 kamu juga bisa ngirim e-mail lho, baik ke @mig33, yahoo, gmail, dsb.pokoknya kamu akan have fun di mig33. Ayo tunggu apalagi !

created and published by Jaya(Яя)work informedu

photo at this article copied from http://mig33.com/images/global/mig33_logo_grass.gif